Skills to improve your emotional intelligence

Skills to improve your emotional intelligence

Skills to improve your emotional intelligence

Are you emotionally intelligent?

The capacity to honor your own emotions while reading the emotions of others in an effort to bridge the gap.This is something it can be learned and also is inborn.With emotional intelligence, you have strong chance of being empathetic and resilient. That wins over people.Don’t limit yourself get out of your comfort zone and learn from different perspectives.

1) A biting ant is more impactful than a sleeping lion.
The worst thing you can do is “making excuses”  There is no need to do it when situation doesn’t require it. By doing this you out yourself in disadvantageous position.

2) Tips to reduce aggression of your oponent
•Press on a pleasant memory that connects you
•Ask aggressor for advice
•Compliment or express sympathy

3)Being mindfully confident during an important conversation.
What should be done to avoid unpleasant sensations?
Imagine yourself putting an invisible Armour that protects you
b)Straighten your shoulder it adds to confidence

If you can make a visualisation of the situation of other person in a way that benefits you , there won’t be any more opposition from the manipulators.

4)Knowing what you’re doing.

You would think this would be pretty simple and straightforward, but the truth is that in the 21st century, most of us don’t even know what the fuck we’re doing half the time. We’re on auto-pilot—check email, text BFF, check Instagram, watch YouTube, check email, text BFF, etc., etc.

Removing distractions from your life—like, you know, turning off your damn phone every now and then and engaging with the world around you is a nice first step to self-awareness. Finding spaces of silence and solitude, while potentially scary, are necessary for our mental health.

We use these distractions to avoid a lot of uncomfortable emotions, and so removing distractions and focusing on how you feel without them can reveal some kind of scary shit sometimes. But removing distractions is critical because it gets us to the next level.

5)We use these distractions to avoid a lot of uncomfortable emotions, and so removing distractions and focusing on how you feel without them can reveal some kind of scary shit sometimes. But removing distractions is critical because it gets us to the next level.Anger can be a destructive emotion if you misdirect it and hurt others or yourself in the process. But it can be a good emotion if you use it to correct injustices and/or protect yourself or others.

Joy can be a wonderful emotion when shared with people you love when something good happens. But it can be a horrifying emotion if it’s derived from hurting others.

Such is the act of managing your emotions: recognizing what you’re feeling, deciding whether or not that’s an appropriate emotion for the situation, and acting accordingly.

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