More than 86% of the Indian workforce plans to quit their job in the next six months , according to a new study 61% of employees in India prioritizes work-life balance , mental-health and happiness over a pay rise or promotion.
Unrelenting stress and anxiety makes you feel tired, empty, weak, dejected, incapable and unsuccessful. In our society, if someone breaks their leg skiing, the person will regale their audience with tales of adventure about how it happened. Everyone will offer their best wishes for a speedy recovery and check in with the injured person every so often. However, when it comes to mental health matters, there’s a discomfort and reticence to discuss the subject. There is an underlying shame when talking about depression, burnout, anxiety and related matters. This exacerbates the situation, making the person feel even more alone with no one to turn to.not surprising that mental health issues are becoming a big challenge for Millennials and Gen-Zers. They are faced with thousands of dollars in student loan debt obligations that will be hard to pay back when the job market is saturated with other similarly situated college graduates. This is particularly a problem for those who elected to major in studies that don’t yield reasonably paying salaries post graduation. Saddled with debt, it becomes financially challenging to get married, purchase a home and raise children. Their situation seems less attractive to their parents’ lifestyles and wealth status.
As per recruitment agency , the top four reasons for resignations included-
1)Change in career role or industry
2)Unsatisfied with the pay
3)Career progression
4)Direction of the company.

All this but not at the expense of personal well being.

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